Got down to AUSTIN about 11'ish Thurs. night after a 5 hour long ride in the van,and a little over heating.I really don't focus too much on the Round Up,I go to see my Dad now and friends and just hang out around town,meet new friends.So Friday Mike takes me over to this guy Charlie's shop,where his motor is being rebuilt.Chopper radness and rareness everywhere in this shop.I can go on all day with talking about this visit to Charlie's ,he is a ruler,he still drag races bikes at 61,and will forget more than I will ever know about motorcycles.Oh that Bates leather racing get up was made for him by Bates way back when,and that Bates seat he's had since he was 18 I think he said.I have a ton more pics from the trip I'll post up later,good stuff to come.
Charley, I have the matching P pad for that Bates seat. Lets work a trade.